Monday, January 4, 2010

SWFC Graphic Design Program: Digital Design Portfolio Roundtable Event

The Graphic Design Program at Southwest Florida College held Digital Portfolio Roundtable event where we invited local business leaders as our guests to hold mock job interviews with this quarter's graphic design portfolio students. Usually, it is their last class and it is up to each designer to present themselves with a clear and creative vision.

With our 12 "employers," each job interview lasted about 4 minutes and put the spotlight on our students' creativity while providing them a challenging exercise in performing a confidence-building job hunt.

According to Aaron Belchamber, the Digital Design Portfolio Instructor, "All students were under a tight deadline. In 10 weeks they had to collect the best of their materials and create new designs, produce a compelling portfolio in digital form as a stand alone website, design and print their resumes and business cards and mentally prepare for the Portfolio Roundtable Event. Mr. McElroy, myself, and all the Graphic Design adjuncts are very proud of our Graphic Design students."

As a wrap-up after the event, the employers were gracious enough to spend some time providing constructive feedback for our graphic designers. This event was an incredible opportunity for our graphic design students to learn from real business people with a real world perspective.

Here is a list of all of our "Guest Employers" who conducted the interviews. Thank you so much for your time!

Brian Thompson – Alliance Digital Solutions – (Co-owner) also owns Cape
Nichol Blanco – Associate for Larazza Films
Daniel Herrera – Producer, Director for Larazza Films
Brendan Stanley – Alliance Digital Solutions – Creative Director
Scott Jacobs – Allstar Marketing – President
Katie Romano – Get Groovy – CEO
Jodi Hopper – G.M.P. Employers Retiree Trust/Dzine Gallery
Shell Redfern – Get Groovy – Creative Director
Manzie Lawfer – 2 Way Radio Express – Owner/President/Book Author
Denise Spence – Dunbar High School – Magnet Grant Technology
Nancy Coker – Child Care of SW Florida – COO – Early childhood services in 10 counties